Jiggery Pockery/Subalina

Broc, Paccagnella & The Third Person
Performance transdisciplinaire
Work in context


The Third Person was invited to produce a new work for Park in Progress II. The project ‘Jiggery Pokery/Sublina’ was developed over two weeks with Italian choreographer Mauro Paccagnella, Parisian video artist and musician Stéphane Broc, dancers Ben Fury from Belgium, the Argentinean dancer Ayelen Parolin and a troop of synchronized swimmers.
The location was a large public swimming pool, which backs onto the Injep Park. The nine hundred strong audience sat on the bank over looking 50 meters of curved windows that form the outside arc of the swimming pool. The performance, which lasted 50min, mixed music, dance, a light show and video, utilizing the interior and exterior spaces on view.
(…) Developing a concept, sound track, video, lights and movement in the time afforded was a challenge, however the result was a true collaboration, adopting strengths and ideas from the different people involved. The final work talked a lot about the process and context from which it had been made, layering ideas and movement on top of one another whilst maintaining a comic and close relationship to the audience and the building. (…)
The Third Person – extrait

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About Park in Progress II (Text from Park in Progress #2 guide)
Resolutely cross-disciplinary and experimental, Park in progress aims at initiating new collaborations between artists coming from across Europe, Quebec and Asia, in order to create original and wholly new artistic experiments.
Through these unusual encounters between creators, Park in Progress provides a leading environment for new forms of expression and relation to an open and diverse public.
The audience will be able to discover some extremely promising artists, some already internationally known, who clearly illustrate the vitality and the diversity of the young European creation.



Un projet de Stéphane Broc, Mauro Paccagnella & The Third Person (Steven Dickie, Oliver Flexman)
Mise en jeu Mauro Paccagnella
Vidéo Stéphane Broc
Images et lumières Oliver Flexman
Musique originale live Steven Dickie
Chorégraphie et jeu Ayelen Parolin, BenFury, Mauro Paccagnella, Stéphane Broc
Accompagnés de L’Equipe de natation synchronisée de Paris
Production Pépinières Européennes pour Jeunes Artistes / Park in Progress #3 – accompagné par Wooshing Machine et The Third Person
Piscine olympique au Park de l’INJEP, Marly-le-Roi (Paris – France)


PEJA Pépinières Européennes pour Jeunes Artistes
Steven Dickie website
Stéphane Broc portfolio


2 juillet 2005 – Marly-le-Roi, Paris (FR), Park in progress 2 / PEJA


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